Sunday, November 15, 2015


In view of the increasingly overwhelming issue TPPA in country, it is time people will be explained what the TPPA and what views the former Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on this issue.

This article, taking into consideration the views of Mahathir Mohammad as he was a former Prime Minister and political savvy of the world of course.

What is a TPPA ?
TPPA is an acronym for Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, an agreement, led by the United States and 11 other countries involved, including Malaysia.
Countries Involved ?
Australia, Brunei, Canada, Chile, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Singapore, Vietnam and the United States. Need to be emphasized, China is not included in this agreement.

What is the purpose of the TPPA ?
TPPA allowing each Member States non Member States market dealing. This means will reduce trade barriers TPPA and created a similar standard to the 12 countries involved.
What is wrong with TPPA?
What raises questions about the TPPA is all discussions made in secret and all discussion text was secret until after the fourth year of the agreement entered into.

Resistance to TPPA ?
Apart from Malaysia, TPPA also received stiff resistance from the people of the affected countries include United States whatsoever. On the internet many websites created tells cons TPPA. See pictures of a rally protest  on the site Google images TPPA.
What goodness TPPA?
TPPA allows product or services from Malaysia market in Member States more easily. With simple language, the scope of the business of traders will be more spacious.

According to the International Trade Minister, Mustapha Mohamed & Industries, as a result of consultations with all parties, import duties for almost all products will be eliminated under the TPPA.

"Basically, the result will provide an opportunity for greater market access for Malaysian companies, especially in markets such as the United States, Canada, Mexico and Peru in which Malaysia has no FTA.

"Malaysian exporters will gain competitive advantage compared to regional competitors in the export of products from electrical and electronics sector, chemicals, palm oil products, rubber products, wood products, textiles, as well as automotive parts and components.

"All this is a major export for Malaysia and generates a significant amount of income for the country's economy and taking thousands of Malaysians as workers," he said according to Jeswan Kaur Online.

In addition he also stressed Malaysia's sensitivity issues are also taken into consideration in the deal include the native issue.
What disadvantages TPPA?
Of course if the greater market, competition is also higher. In addition, each country has their own issues. So, with the same standard for admitting foreign one to each country may cause other issues that arise. However, the cons still have not been release since it has yet to be implementation.
Leak Information
Every thing that ' secret ', of course there will be leaking. Citing a report from the Washington Post in 2013, this is among the things stated in the TPPA:
— Intellectual property: The leaked intellectual property chapter revealed that the U.S. has been pushing stronger copyright protections for music and film, as well as broader and longer-lasting applicability of patents. It would also make the approval process more difficult for generic drug makers and extend protections for biologic medicines, which has concerned several members of Congress. Public health and open internet groups have campaigned hard for years around these issues, and public intellectuals like Joe Stiglitz have warned against using the treaty to "restrict access to knowledge."

— State-owned enterprises: Many TPP governments, in particular Vietnam, Singapore and Malaysia, essentially own large parts of their economies. Negotiations have aimed to limit public support for these companies in order to foster competition with the private sector, but given the U.S.' own government-sponsored enterprises — Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the U.S. Postal Service — they probably won't go too far.

— Market access: Though the treaty envisions dropping all tariffs, tensions remain between the U.S. and Japan over support for both of their agricultural sectors, as well as Japan's willingness to accept U.S.-made automobiles.

— Investor-state dispute resolution: Most modern free trade agreements include some mechanism for investor parties to sue governments directly for failing to abide by the terms of the agreement, which some public interest advocates worry will have a chilling effect on domestic regulation aimed at consumer and environmental protection.

— Tobacco: Originally, the U.S. had proposed that tobacco be treated differently than other kinds of goods, in that countries would have permission to restrict its importation and sale. This summer, it executed something of an about-face, which alarmed anti-smoking advocates who worry that tobacco companies will continue to sue nations for passing laws that heavily tax cigarettes or ban certain kinds of advertising.
What Mahathir TPPA views?

In 2013, Mahathir criticized the agreement with TPPA described as unequal sharing.
"When the currency attack us rogue with the aim to get control over our economy, we are opposed to it because at that time we were still free.

"But after we signed the TPPA, feet and our hands are tied. No more capital controls. We will be colonized again. President Sukarno is indeed correct about neo-colonialism, "he wrote in his blog.

"They introduced the bilateral free trade agreement. Then they promote global world, a world without borders where the money they can get into any, destroying the economy and then pull out.

"If we forget, they do this in 1997/1998,"

In 2015, Mahathir once again criticized the deal with stated it's a conspiracy.

However, in 2013 the son Mukhriz Mahathir, Mahathir, a disagreement with his father, saying he is confident with the assurance given by the Government.
 I am agree with view by Mahathir.

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