Sunday, November 15, 2015


In the next five years, a total of 25000 Malaysians over the age of 35 years of bankruptcy.

Minister of domestic trade, co-operatives and consumerism Minister Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin said the condition occurs when the respect was not able to settle outstanding debts even spent 30 percent of their monthly income to resolve it.

"As a result of the use of uncontrolled credit card in addition to making personal loans that do not generate result in the end they had to be declared bankrupt in a very young age.

"What's more, those who do not concern bankruptcy however bear the debt much in young age is also more and more these days," he said.

He made the statement in a press conference after officiating Management Symposium Ringgit 2015 (Super 2015) organized by the Biro UMNO Youth Movement Young Professionals here today.

The present Chairman of the Young Professional Bureau, Shahril Hamdan and the coordinating Super 2015, Mohammad Syahir Mohammad Zaini.

The one-day symposium jointly organized by Agensi Kaunseling dan Pengurusan Kredit (AKPK) and Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) is attended by nearly 1200 participants consisting of higher education institutions graduates and young professionals.

Earlier in the opening speech, Hamzah said, not denied debt burden is also due to the higher cost of living.

However, he said, in such a situation, are actually opportunities to enhance or increase the income is too much these days.

In fact, in addition to seizing the opportunity, young urged that keep at least 10 percent of their income each month.

"Save everywhere and never tampered because it will greatly help us someday.

"In addition, it is important to change lifestyle by not buying what is not necessary and is not important," he said.

Meanwhile, he also warned farmers and traders in the country to conform to ethics and business rules.

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