Sunday, September 13, 2015


In recent years, we hear and see more and more of our students achieving strings of straight ‘As’ in UPSR, PMR, SPM and even STPM. Indeed, it’s an admirable feat and the students, teachers and parents concerned alike must be mention for such remarkable achievements. At the same time, I wonder if this same group of people realize that straight A’s is not everything. 

            It reminds me of a family friend whose daughter was among these very bright and brilliant students who had scored straight A’s in UPSR, PMR and SPM. It was at the time when she had just sat for STPM and was waiting for her results that her mother discovered something very shocking. She had asked her daughter to help her out in the kitchen and start with peeling the onions. This brilliant student, holding an onion in her hand, asked her mother: “when do I stop peeling the layers?”. In all her growing years her parents had put so much attention on her academic excellent, so much so she had never lifted a finger to help with household chores and was not sure how to peel an onion!

            This Science faculty student used to be a loner, not able to strike a simple conversation with fellow students. Her mother would travel over 100km every weekend to come to campus just to clean her room, do her laundry and wash and comb her hair as she was not capable of doing these things herself. Yet, she graduated with 1st Class Honours. So, what is the value of the straight A’s and 1st Class Honours when you can’t be independent and self-reliant?

            The point I wish to make is that, educationist, school principals, teachers, students and most of all parents, need to ensure that each child grows up with a balance in life. Ensure that apart from aiming straight A’s and 1st Class Honours, every child acquires the many skills of life that can neither be taught in classrooms nor tested in exams. Grow up enjoying each stage of life and learn to be part of and contribute effectively in whatever you do.

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