Tuesday, September 15, 2015


On 15 September 2015, all classes in Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) has been postponed due to the haze. Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Prof. Datuk Dr. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan said the decision was made after the Air Pollution Index (API) reading in Nilai exceeded 200, which indicated very unhealthy air. 

Moreover, classes would be replaced at a suitable time, he said in a statement. He said classes would resume to normal from Thursday (17 September 2015) after the Malaysia Day public holiday until further notice by the university. He also advised staff and students of USIM to take the necessary health precaution against the haze, like staying indoor and to wear face mask when outdoor due to the worsen haze condition, as well as drink a lot of water. 

All classes at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) campus here have been postponed today due to the haze. Its deputy vice-chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Prof Datuk Dr. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan said the decision was made after the Air Pollutant Index (API) reading in Nilai exceeded 200, which indicated very unhealthy air. Classes would be replaced at a suitable time, he said in a statement here today. He said classes would resume to normal from Thursday after the Malaysia Day public holiday until further notice by the university. He advised staff and students of USIM to take the necessary health precaution against the haze, like staying indoor and to wear face mask when outdoor, as well as drink a lot of water.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/09/haze-usim-postpones-classes-nilai-campun vnh
All classes at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) campus here have been postponed today due to the haze. Its deputy vice-chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Prof Datuk Dr. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan said the decision was made after the Air Pollutant Index (API) reading in Nilai exceeded 200, which indicated very unhealthy air. Classes would be replaced at a suitable time, he said in a statement here today. He said classes would resume to normal from Thursday after the Malaysia Day public holiday until further notice by the university. He advised staff and students of USIM to take the necessary health precaution against the haze, like staying indoor and to wear face mask when outdoor, as well as drink a lot of water.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/09/haze-usim-postpones-classes-nilai-campus
All classes at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) campus here have been postponed today due to the haze. Its deputy vice-chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Prof Datuk Dr. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan said the decision was made after the Air Pollutant Index (API) reading in Nilai exceeded 200, which indicated very unhealthy air. Classes would be replaced at a suitable time, he said in a statement here today. He said classes would resume to normal from Thursday after the Malaysia Day public holiday until further notice by the university. He advised staff and students of USIM to take the necessary health precaution against the haze, like staying indoor and to wear face mask when outdoor, as well as drink a lot of water.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/09/haze-usim-postpones-classes-nilai-campus
All classes at Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia (USIM) campus here have been postponed today due to the haze. Its deputy vice-chancellor (Student Affairs and Alumni) Prof Datuk Dr. Hassan Basri Awang Mat Dahan said the decision was made after the Air Pollutant Index (API) reading in Nilai exceeded 200, which indicated very unhealthy air. Classes would be replaced at a suitable time, he said in a statement here today. He said classes would resume to normal from Thursday after the Malaysia Day public holiday until further notice by the university. He advised staff and students of USIM to take the necessary health precaution against the haze, like staying indoor and to wear face mask when outdoor, as well as drink a lot of water.

Read More : http://www.nst.com.my/news/2015/09/haze-usim-postpones-classes-nilai-campus


Marriage is a destined stage in our life. Some of my friends are already married in an early marriage, that is why I want to share something about marriage. Nowadays, people debate over the pros and cons of early marriage and late marriage. Some people get married early just because of their environment and culture. Some have to marry their partner due to pregnancy or other social issues. In some parts of the world, people focus more on education and career and they prefer to marry late. In my opinion, each have its own advantages and disadvantages.

Bride and groom wouldn’t be really prepared for the real life in early marriages. Their immaturity can lead to crisis in the family and eventually divorces. Ones need to have enough personal skills to maintain a healthy marriage and family. However, having baby at an early twenties can have some other advantages. In such cases, parents and children would grow up in similar culture and they can have more understandings to each other. 

Late marriage will result in late childbirth which is not very ideal for both mother’s and baby’s health. Then, people will plan give birth to less children than those in early marriages. Some might even plan to adopt one. Having less children means less bound between husband and wife. However, around thirties people has been gone through tough days of their life and they tend to have more stable career and situations. This can avoid divorces due to financial struggle.

Neither early marriage nor late marriage has advantages over each other. The health of a marriage depends more on the individuals mindset rather than the age they get married.

Monday, September 14, 2015


I want to share a story that I have learned. A teacher in Jefferson recall that her students felt more empowered because they were doing much better than in a normal class without such instruments. She added other benefits like getting better at typing and enjoyable real-world experience, like collaborating in class. The pilot case can be said to be successes albeit on an experimental level and as pilot cases involving only selected students taking part. Some teachers observed that to make these devices a complete success, a lot would depend on accessibility to wireless internet. During the period of the pilot in Jefferson, only the classrooms using Chromebooks had access while the rest of the school building did not. The next step would be to study a way to spread wireless connectivity to the entire school, and then only would the question of providing every student with the same opportunity be answered.

How will such schools attempt? It sounds modern for such schools, these schoolchildren will never have to face a blackboard. Moreover, they will not have to sit inside classrooms or hold a pen or pencil. Believe or not, they do not have to learn if they don’t want to. They could just play, but they have to do it on his or her iPad. If they want to learn they can choose whatever topic, subject or lesson. The system behind this is that the child will only choose to learn what they are curious about. Technology is seen more in education these days. We’re not talking about students sneaking in their mobile phones without their teachers’ knowledge. This is about how mobile devices like tablets are taking over some of today’s classrooms.

Sunday, September 13, 2015


In recent years, we hear and see more and more of our students achieving strings of straight ‘As’ in UPSR, PMR, SPM and even STPM. Indeed, it’s an admirable feat and the students, teachers and parents concerned alike must be mention for such remarkable achievements. At the same time, I wonder if this same group of people realize that straight A’s is not everything. 

            It reminds me of a family friend whose daughter was among these very bright and brilliant students who had scored straight A’s in UPSR, PMR and SPM. It was at the time when she had just sat for STPM and was waiting for her results that her mother discovered something very shocking. She had asked her daughter to help her out in the kitchen and start with peeling the onions. This brilliant student, holding an onion in her hand, asked her mother: “when do I stop peeling the layers?”. In all her growing years her parents had put so much attention on her academic excellent, so much so she had never lifted a finger to help with household chores and was not sure how to peel an onion!

            This Science faculty student used to be a loner, not able to strike a simple conversation with fellow students. Her mother would travel over 100km every weekend to come to campus just to clean her room, do her laundry and wash and comb her hair as she was not capable of doing these things herself. Yet, she graduated with 1st Class Honours. So, what is the value of the straight A’s and 1st Class Honours when you can’t be independent and self-reliant?

            The point I wish to make is that, educationist, school principals, teachers, students and most of all parents, need to ensure that each child grows up with a balance in life. Ensure that apart from aiming straight A’s and 1st Class Honours, every child acquires the many skills of life that can neither be taught in classrooms nor tested in exams. Grow up enjoying each stage of life and learn to be part of and contribute effectively in whatever you do.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Most of us fear the F word. The fearful, four letter word - Fail. It's almost one should never talk about it in public, let alone admit it. Especially it concerns about your career. What is it about failure that makes people shy away from it? Is failure really that bad? Surely, we all must be hate to fail. In our education life, failure is something that almost everyone of us will avoid it. Getting a big red F commonly means the end of the road. After figuring out on what and where exactly we went wrong. Sometime, someone who got a failure during school days, yet turned out well and be a polished figure in their career.

We never made any progress in any aspect of our lives so, how can we realise our full potential if we never experience and learn from our mistake. For instance, Abraham Lincoln; The Political Genius and Ultimate Public Figure had actually failed for many times, yet Lincoln did not quit. He embraced those failures, learned a thing or two, and develop a role model for determination. There are a lot of rise-from-failure stories out there. Even our local iconic business leaders have had to endure failures to get to where they are now. Ask any of them and they will probably agree to the approach that failures can help you in the future. It helps to realise that failure is just a process. Quit simply, if you don't fail, you will never ever learn. There is no shame in failing. Don't be afraid to change, you may lose something good, yet you may gain something even better. Failure is the opportunity to begin again more intelligently - Henry Ford.

Friday, September 11, 2015


The Christmas seems like a great moment for new gadgets acquirement. Nowadays, the mobile phones sales skyrocketed each year meanwhile winter holidays, many considering the latest model of gadgets is the cool gift for loved ones. Teenagers and young people see gadgets as an indicator of how "cool" you are and for them the cell phone must be in the trend. 

Having the latest model of mobile phone especially is a must these days, but it seems to become also a necessity. These state of the art mobile phone are called smartphones. The smartphones have an operating systems just like computers and can support different applications. There are different operating systems for smartphones including Windows Phone, iOS, Blackberry, Android, Symbian. These days, have many features that make us easy through the smartphone such as can surf the internet, check your email, log in to social network and read and create office documents. Windows 10 has now been with us for a little while. Nowadays technology moves forward faster than people do. The need for a small mobile computer is clear and the big and heavy laptops are now outdated.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Assalamualaikum wbt..

First and foremost, thank you for reading my adorability blog. I hope you will get some good information through my entry. Lets check it out! Peace!